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18 septiembre, 2019

Made With Pride Brunch

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18 septiembre, 2019

Made With Pride Brunch

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Last 6th of July we saw the 4th edition of  our legendary Made With Pride Brunch at the rooftop RADIO ME Madrid. This was the place to be, the meeting point before the 2019 pride parade.

Different personalities and celebrities surrounding the gay world assisted to the event.

People enjoyed an exquisite Mediterranean buffet selection, such as Kobe burgers, a variety of cheese; authentic “Tacos”, natural juices and home made pastry, all made by the restaurant’s master chefs.

We also counted with a welcome cocktail and an open bar of wine, beer, juices and soft drinks. Accompanied by the trendiest music selection from Dj Cascales and Giulio Malatesta.

For real, this was the party!

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